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MCACC East Valley Animal Care Center
1920 S Lewis,
(Baseline Rd/Lewis Dr),
AZ, 85210 Phone: 602-506-7387 - If we are busy the phone may not be answered so leave a message.
Maricopa County Animal Care & Control is a public animal shelter committed to finding good outcomes to lost, surrendered, and stray dogs. Many of the dogs brought into the center are so good they deserve a second chance so are made available for adoption. Check out available pets online and write down the name and A# for the animals you want to meet. Our population changes every few minutes, so check the list of pets an hour before coming in to view current animal availability. You can visit the shelters to preview additional pets that may be available to adopt soon. Maximize your visit by knowing which animals you would like to meet beforehand to help determine if you might be a great match. For health and safety reasons, personal pets are NOT permitted in the shelters.
Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday: 12 - 6pm
Saturday and Sunday: 12 - 5pm
Finding the Right Dog
Brought to you by:

Are you ready to live with a dog?
The pleasures and pitfalls of living with a dog.
How to choose the best dog for your kids by Cesar Millan
Tips on Choosing a Dog for You.
Dog Breed Info Quiz
What breed of dog is right for your family? Take this quiz and find out.
Dog Breed Info Categories
Select a dog that will fit in with your lifestyle.
Dogs Needing Homes
Now that you know what sort of dog is for you, why not find one to adopt?
This website is funded, operated and maintained by The Dog Rescues Network as a service to the community. This website has no connection with MCACC East Valley Animal Care Center. No payment has been received or is required. For enquiries about this website e-mail: webmaster@dogrescues.net